How to deal effectively false complaints filed by women against men and send such anti-social women to jail?
In the case of Karan Oberoi *Indian Bar Association* have filed a complaint against Sr. P. I. of Oshiwara Police station and others who registered the F. I. R. and arrested Karan Oberoi.
Second accused is Metropolitan Magistrate Iqbal Marchiya an other who granted police custody instead granting bail.
Third accused is Sessions Judge S. U. Baghele who rejected bail.
This draft of complaint will be helpful to all similar casas where F.I.R. is registered maliciously, accused is arrested, Magistrate & Session Judge did not grant the bail and Public Prosecutor too chooses to be a mouthpeace of the police and did not perform his duty in the court.
This is a honest and sincere attempt by *Indian Bar Association* to spread awareness among all people in the society and protect themselves from such victimisation by the anti-social women.
All are therefore, requested to share this draft with as many as possible for immediate use and to be well equipped with legal knowledge in such matters.
Good update